Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy First Anniversay Natey-Nate and Bobbie!!!

Luisa and Nate celebrated their One Year Anniversary on Easter.

We love you guys, and miss you so much.

Instead of posting a sweet picture of a lovely couple I want to demonstrate just how well Nate fits into the family. Above is a picture of me at my desk at work (I was really on the phone, not posing), which I sent to Luisa to make her laugh.

She out did me, with a picture of her at her desk. She titled that picture

"Anything to get out of work." However, Nathan topped both of us.

Besides not knowing how he managed it, this proves that he did marry into the right family. Hugs and kisses from your loving family!!

(Sand art says it best)


Mike and Ariane said...

Love the photos at work. You captured how I feel!

Luisa said...

Thanks Shanna! But I still kind of wish you could have added an at least flattering pic of us too. I kind of look like I've been at work for like.... 9 hours. Oh wait. I HAD been at work for 9 hours. Would you post a 'pretty pic' if I sent you one?

Slightly Embaressed